2 Metre Good Quality Marabou Feather Boa. These feather maribou boa come in a beautiful selection of colors and you are welcome to buy in bulk for ballet school dance costume supplies. The use of these marabou boas is unlimited by your imagination. Craft supply and DIY like to decorate all sorts of art and craft projects in the feather accessory. The boa can be cut into small pieces and used in shorter lengths as your heart desires. Our boas are good quality and soft so you will have no complaints from the costume wearer. The use of marabou has been around for years. Burlesque dancers and 1920's style Great Gatsy theme dress up party love the opulent feel of these gorgeous feather accessories. The feathers are all natural thus comfortable to wear and are secured well having been constructed with careThe feather density is such that it looks supremely luxurious and opulent.